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AF Organized Press Meet on UN HRCtee's Views on War Era Rape Case

26 Jul 2017, Kathmandu: Advocacy Forum (AF) organized a roundtable discussion and press meet on a conflict era rape case in which the UN Human Rights Committee has given its views on 23 July 2017. In the program representative of National Human Rights Commission, senior human rights activities, representatives of human rights organizations, conflict victims and journalists were present.
In the rape case brought before the Committee by Advocacy Forum and REDRESS Trust, the Committee has issued its decision and urged Nepal to conduct an investigation into the facts; to prosecute, try and punish those responsible, and to provide her with full reparation, including reimbursement for the medical expenses incurred.
The Committee also urged Nepal to adopt legislation to make torture a crime in its domestic law and to remove other barriers to justice for rape victims. The Committee urged Nepal to take some concrete measures, among others, ensuring the confidentiality and protection of victims during the filing of a complaint, the investigation and the proceedings and to provide training and conduct awareness-raising campaigns on violence against women and provide adequate protection to victims.
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