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AF Organized Capacity Building Training to the Conflict Victims

Advocacy Forum-Nepal (AF) together with Conflict Victims’ Society for Justice (CVSJ) organized a two-day training session, mainly for the women families/ relatives of Enforced Disappearances (ED) on 9th and 10th of June 2017 in Morang district of Nepal. Altogether 12 (8 female and 4 male) relatives of the victims of ED participated in the training programme. The training focused on anti-mortem data collection, interview techniques, gender sensitivity, psychosocial counseling, fact finding and documentation of human rights violation cases and other related issues. The training aims to capacitate the women victims in the relevant field of research and documentation, therefore, enhancing women's role in the overall struggle against enforced disappearance and fight for truth and justice. The training sessions were run in participatory, group discussions, role play and interactive module. After the training the participants will document the cases of human rights violations in which Legal experts will provide feedbacks and comments. The programme was made possible through the financial support of Women’s World Day of Prayer (WWDP), German Committee/ Asian Federation against Enforced Disappearances (AFAD).
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