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AF Observed International Human Rights Day, 2016
On the occasion of 68th International Human Rights Day, Advocacy Forum (AF) jointly organized a series of programs in different parts of the country. This year, Human Rights Day calls on everyone to stand up for someone's rights! AF organized programs in Kathmandu, Dolakha, Ramechhap, Kapilvastu, Kaski, Baglung, Morang, Jhapa, Udayapur, Dhanusha, Mahottari, Siraha, Banke and Kanchanpur. The programs were convened in collaboration with human rights organizations (national and international), human rights defenders, civil society, journalists, victims, National Human Rights Commission, security agencies (Nepal Police and Armed Police Force) and government agencies and concerned others. The programs include: rally, discussion program, press statement, submission of memorandum, candle lightning etc. The program was widely covered by local and national media. The major stakeholders reiterated their commitment for protection and promotion of human rights in Nepal. AF was also the part of Human Rights Magna Meet, 2016.
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