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Dr. Trilochan Upreti at AF

Dr. Upreti started his career as a government employee on the capacity of Public Prosecutor in 1983. He then worked as a Legal Officer in different Ministries of Government of Nepal for about six years. Successively, he got promoted to the position of Joint-Secretary and was placed in Nepal Law Reform Commission in 1996. In the meantime, he was appointed as an Executive Director to the Water and Energy Commission by the Government of Nepal in 1996. He directly involved in drafting and finalizing bills, by-laws and election directives, including code of conduct for the Constituent Assembly Election from 2006 – 2009. He then was promoted to the position of Secretary, and was placed to Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers in 2009. Besides, he taught public international law and human rights and humanitarian law at the Kathmandu School of Law as an Associate Professor. He was engaged in human rights relating several research issues with UNDP, UNAMA, OHCHR and AIHRC during his incumbency and after his retirement in the national and international level.
Dr. Upreti holds Bachelor Degree in Law, and subsequently, has completed Master Degree in Political Science in 1989. He then pursued LLM from the Hull University, U.K. in 1999. He also obtained Ph.D. in International Law from University of Reading, U.K. in 2004. Dr. Upreti is a recipient of "Mahendra Bidhya Bhushan A" medal in 2005 conferred by Head of the State. He has attended several national and international seminars and workshops, and has presented papers on core issues of Human Rights, Transitional Justice, Criminal Justice, etc. Dr. Upreti can be reached at [email protected]
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